Tuesday 10 May 2011


This is to share the feminine side of my life. Feminism is not only for this gender, but taking a stand to promote matters that concerns them. I am not shy to say am a feminist, and will not relent to speak and motivate women.
I thank God almighty for the creation of Isha, as the centre of continuity. Woman, thou art blessed.

If you want a detailed explanation on this don’t hesitate to contact me through Visionaires Foundation, an organization that has men who are devoted feminist.  This is the main note for Visionaires Foundations women empowerment project, dubbed THE WOMAN, THE NATIONS BUILDER. Let us know if you want such a message in your group, institution, organization, seminars, forums etc.

A break down of the word WOMAN, W.O.M.A.N

WISE (PROV 8:1- ): She is full of the fear of God; the fear of God is the beginning of Wis(e)dom. She is the person who hears the voice of God and is able to make the best of options in times of challenges and becomes the bridge between God and her family, community and nation. Due to this ability she stands tall and always proud of herself and represent transformation. Just like Esther and Abigail they both stood for change. Esther saved the whole Jewish tribe with the position she assumed. And Abigail stood in quickly for her husband, either than that David would have killed him. What can we say of our own Yaa Asantewaa, who is part of our history. Legend has is that she was not at the battle field herself. It was the move she made that ignited the men to stand tall again.

ORGANIZED: She is an orderly and systematic person, which reflects in every aspects of her life.  Just like Dorcas who was organized and devoted to the extent that her death was not accepted by the widows of her society. She is the type that after leaving a place change is seen and witnessed. Mary the mother of Jesus Christ could not have been living her any how, because becoming the mother of a saviour would not be an ordinary task. Who says women are not time conscious, well the ideal woman is a good manager of time. She is always first to wake up and last to sleep.

MOTHER; this is the beingness of nurturing; one who takes care of. She is simply compassionate and loving.  Mother Theresa of blessed memories was a nun but was referred to as MOTHER. Meaning, motherhood is being in the position of naturally taking care of children (society) not only from you womb. Do you remember Hannah? She said to God, please give Israel a leader through my womb, haven been childless for some years, haven fulfilled that, God gave her five more children in addition to Samuel. When society is corrupted every ideal woman must be worried because every child was carried by a woman. Who carries kings, queens, ministers, presidents and other prominent personality of humanity? Mother is the one who speaks blessings and sees her seed being a blessing to humanity than herself. Mary is such as an example.

AUTHENTIC: Being REAL; she presents the feminine being. She takes charge because she knows she is able not because she wants to prove a point or compete. Real woman rule with feminineness which as a result, brings about progress not unwanted challenges e.g. Jezebel. Esther rose to queenship but did not become possessed with pride because of the position or used it against others. Florence Nightingale, served humanity and modified nursing to what is today with all submissiveness against all rejection and obstruction from her wealthy family.

NATURAL: She is always in tune with God, sincere and simply. If she desire marriage she submit to it and get married to a man not like what is happening today. A natural woman understands that she is got a major part to play to continue the human race. Honestly speaking with the fear of God she is always in tune with God and every move she makes, make nature proud. Deborah was so natural to extend that a judge of such repute had her office under a palm tree. That is creativity and astuteness. Every natural woman inhibits the ability to yield, meaning SUBMISSION.  When they are in that state they are accommodating, just like Rebekah, who out of shear accommodating spirit quenched the thirst of Abraham’s servant. That gesture earned her a husband. Also like Deborah, Ruth, Abigail, Esther and Mary, their greatness came to being because of staying natural (SUBMISSIVELY).Ruth 3:4
4 When he lies down, note the place where he is lying. Then go and uncover his feet and lie down. He will tell you what to do.”

 The power of a WOMAN is just like the number line below. Consider it, where do you stand. The distance between Good woman and Bad woman is just a thin line, being choice.



 1. Build on your anointing. People will not just recognize you because you are a woman. But they can recognize you when you build on your anointing that God have on your life. The grace of God is upon you but you will need to grow in the anointing which will enlarge the potion of favour of God on you. When you keep on building your anointing, you would find yourself in the mist of famous people but your presence will felt as a great woman. And that is the favour of God.

 2. Build on the quality of submission. This is something that a man is not fully capable of because for a man to be feminine, he becomes a lesser man. Men need to espouse leadership quality with gentleness. Men need to espouse bravery with the ability to take risks, to protect, to forge ahead and yet be gentle about it. But for women, their supreme quality is their feminine quality and the quality of the power of submission. Submissive wife becomes a jewel onto the Lord. 

 3. INTUITION: As we have can say about Deborah, Ruth, Abigail’s life, women have a special intuition that God gives to them. It has been scientifically validated that women do things differently from men. For women, when they say a word it goes to both their left-brain and their right-brain. For most men when they speak it always goes through their left-brain. The right brain is the area of emotion and feeling. So when a woman speaks a word her feelings are involved. When a man speaks, sometimes his feeling is involved and sometimes it is not.

It is because it is just their analytical part of their being coming out. There is one thing we realize that God does give ladies, a common sense of righteousness of what’s the right thing to do like Abigail. However, if a woman is hurt like Sarah, she can be rough, just like the case of Hagar. But there is that sense of righteousness in women that they could develop in order to be a helpmate to their husbands.  Men can easily bring about an idea but woman will make sure the right approach is applied to make it a reality.

4.  Feminine virtue. It is the virtue to sacrifice. When women make sacrifices, they do earn their reward but they do not earn the recognition. It takes even greater sacrifice to be willing to do that but you have your heavenly reward.  Every successful man has got a vibrant woman behind, but you may not see the woman in the man, yet she is always there, making things happen. Every wise man, ever ruled is successful because of an anointed queen. Any time wise men are in difficulty in solving a problem, they will say lets consult old lady (abaa panyin). Why don’t they say, old man.

5. Strongly espoused in the Word of God; is the spiritual and devotional quality. The world is gradually producing career women and no wonder we are faced with many challenges because we are losing spiritual and devotional women. Deborah did not lose her spiritual and devotional qualities when she assumed the position of a judge over Israel. As a matter of fact, most women missed it when they climb higher in career and leaving behind the strong foundation which will make them extraordinary. Like Mary Kay Ash, she says “God first, family and career (workers are her priorities).

Women have the spiritual qualities and the steadfastness to build tremendous qualities in God. Women may be taught of as weaker ones, but I bet to differ, a very spiritual and devoted woman, is always in tune with God. Women will feel very uncomfortable when they are not in tune with God but men really don’t. Women always consider growth, just like in a church which of the gender is populous.

By this means I encourage women of today make the difference men can’t alter a lone. I salute Yaa Asantewaa, Queen Candace, Nzingha, Mary Kay Ash, Florence Nightingale, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks etc.

As you read this, don’t forget to email me your suggestion and contribution. Advancing the cause of the woman is no joke and mean task.

Scofray Nana Yaw Yeboah
Visionaires Foundation

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