Monday 9 May 2011



   DATE:   29th APRIL, 2011


On behalf of VF (Visionaires Foundation) & RDI (Royal Diadem Institute), we say a big thank you to all the media coverage present. VF partnership with RDI started somewhere August 2010 after the African Youth Governance dinner in Accra. We were divinely placed at one table and the subject of Africa arose, then a round table discussion begun. During this discussion, VF and RDI among a lot of things had one thing in common, that is the passion and commitment to see Africa liberated totally like the Asian tigers. Though our modus-operand differ some how, we all want to achieve the same goal using music and public speaking to tell our own African story with passion and commitment. Hence the collaboration between Visionaires Foundation and Royal Diadem Institute on Revolution for a U.S.A/U.N.A crusade. Like in 1924 Marcus Garvey mentioned in his poem ‘Hail, United States of Africa’, which was a catalyst for total African liberation by strong Pan Africans like W.E.B Du Boise, Patrice Lumumba, George Padmore, Jomo Kenyatta, Kwame Nkrumah etc during the fifth Pan African Congress in UK 1945.
VF is of the view that the dreams and vision of our first President Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, one of the founding fathers of African Unity, is more than relevant today and must be given attention and pursued with all energy and spirit. The ideology that, the Africa, is capable and able to manage her own affairs is not a fluke or joke devoid of any neocolonial and imperialistic interference. One may ask what haven’t we done right to still give space for imperialism? It is by, buying into all the tools like religion, media propaganda and massive exploitation form of education. But all can be turn around with an African focus and consciousness. But we must first understand what is being used first, and next is to counter - attack.

As an organization with much esteem in matters of faith, is saddened to know how Christianity/Islam were all used by the imperialist against Africa, through the interpretations of both Holy books; “THE BIBLE AND KORAN”. Ironically too, these holy books all have the revelations about the contributions Africans made for the advancement of this faith to debunk the previous lies told. One such lie is everything biblical including blessings is “WHITE”, curse and Satan (the devil) black because Ham’s son Canaan (charran) was cursed. But thorough research both in and out scriptures say otherwise. For instance, Noah’s son Ham was born black hence his name in Hebrew, Cush too black and biblical Egyptians(Mizraim) as well but does the” BOOK OF MY BIBLE STORIES” pictures portray? Subliminal message, Samuel, Sampson, John the Baptize etc all had dread “LOCKS” or “RASTA” according to the NAZARITE LAW-  Numbers 6:5, Judges 13:5-7 16:13(Sampson call to Nazaratiship), 1 Sam 1:11 , Luke 1:15 . By scientific proof which group of people can grow “LOCKS”?
It’s this same Holy books and faith that many abolitionist, pan Africans and civil right activist use to tell our story in the Diaspora, aiding in the liberation of Africans, Martin Luther King Jr. Malcolm X, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks and our own Osagyefo. Today in Ghana and other parts of Africa we have churches with their headquarters in Africa and branches in the whole world, our research on Light House Chapel International, Church of Pentecost, International Central Gospel Church, Royal House Chapel International just to mention a few. But there are still tasks to be accomplished; we need liberation in even the content and style the “WORD” is carved to us. It must have an African face to solve and suit African challenges. Prayer answereth everything but for the lack of knowledge too, my people perish. The teachings must instill sense of nationalism, patriotism and unity to aid in the liberation struggle of mentality, attitude and economical suffrage of our people.


If there is any other imperial and neocolonialism tool that has been used against the growth of Africa, then it’s the media in all form. Take notice, in every war film, the country from which the protagonist comes from wins. But research tells us other wise. Everything portrayed about Africa is HUNGER, DISEASE, WAR AND POVERTY, as if all of these are not found all over the world. Careful analysis and research too have proven that the woes of this continent have been designed since 1884 during the Berlin conference/Scramble for Africa meeting. Show us one country in Africa that has not suffered one or two ill interventions in Africa, those that they couldn’t colonize, they caused and instigated wars. In all instances it’s the media they used both locally and internationally. Our question is, can Africa or any African nation instigate any media house against America, Britain, France, Germany, Israel and others and create war or conflict? NO because the anti-government media outlet is patriotic to its country and no other. It  is possible here  because of dollars, pounds, euro and power. Current examples are Libya, Ivory Cost and middle east. Every media outlet and person must ask how he/she has been used against Africa. Are you guilty? How can we believe the lies we are made to live with and with time we dance to that tune. Check in our history any leader the West did not bring into government, is first demonized and overthrown with sponsorship from the west like the CIA in the case of mother Ghana, Patrice Lumumba, Thomas Sankara etc. Now it’s the turn of Laurent Gbagbo and Brother Gaddafi and the African media sit down for dust to be thrown into our eyes. Who can report best matters of Africa than Africans?


Many from this group are suffering from I.A.W (Intellectual Affluent Witchcraftcy) because they deliberately chose to lack, VISION, STRONG-WILL (PATRIOTISM/NATIONALISM) AND FORESIGHT. Check the kind of contracts they go into to sign, the policies given to them to be implemented by the west and their agencies like UN, World Bank, IMF etc. Example is the IMF/World Bank Structural Adjustment Program (SAP) which sucked our nation’s life blood for development from the early 80’s. Just like President Eisenhower theory that, for any Western Nation to pursue its interest in Africa they must hide behind UN. Don’t our leaders for this group know this? If not for their selfish interest, why will they aid to glorify everything western and negate moves by their own compatriot like Patrice Lumumba, Kwame Nkrumah, Jomo Kenyatta, etc? In our ancient days these groups were warriors like Hannibal of Carthage, Imhotep, Mansa Kankan Musa, Moshoeshoe, Osei Tutu, Shaka, Taharka, Tutankamun, Ramses, Amina, Kandeke, Makeda, Nandi, Nzingha, Tiye and Yaa Asantewaa just to mention few. Are we not here when engineers are running their mouths at Apostle Kwadwo Safo Kantanka, yet they don’t come out with any imitation.
We are in a dispensation that has more Professors, Doctorate and Degree holders than ever, yet our problems are not by the measure of quarter met. Until recently we had professional Doctors undermining and demonizing herbal medicine. Well we don’t blame them because it is the evidence of the kind of education and policies they are pursuing, which are anti-African termed “BERLIN/SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICA EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM”  In China and other Asian countries they school in their mother dialect but what are we left with. No a single country has effect a drastic change in our educational system for a paradigm shift for African development. We have the two oldest Universities to be found in Africa, that help solved African problems but today check how many Universities in African are counted among the best 100 in the world. Tombs up to Jamaica, Nigeria, Liberia and Sierra Leone for generating the Creole of English which best explain what they mean.

Just consider the kind of democracy we are pursuing, it does not have an African face with tailored solutions.
Is this the kind of Democracy we really want? Can we copy anything and modify it to suite the African social setup and cultural belief? It’s amazing! Look at how African organization giants funded by the West are fumbling with issues on our continent just to the tune of the West. How possible is it that, the most endowed Continent remains the poorest and we still believe going the way carved by the West will solve our problems. Is it not an insult to the Creator? Lets wait and see what will unfold in the nations protestation ousted their leaders. Its here that, rebels are backed by U.N, NATO, EU, seconded by A.U and ECOWAS to so call INTERVENE in democracy. Now democracy defined by the West only can be called democracy. What a shame!

By cultural and traditional values, we believe and revere our leaders, so they must rise up to the challenge and let loose the suffrage of MENTAL SLAVERY SYNDROME. We produce gold, Cocoa, and other mineral resource and the pricing is determined by the buyer. Where in this world is it possible that an investor would come into agreement with 95% and only 5% for the nation with the natural resource and leave the environment even ruined?  What legacy are the leaders today leaving behind for the generation to come and the currently generation. Are our leaders really concerned about how despondency and hopelessness have set into the way of life of the current generation? Or we should believe in the song” all I wanna say is that, they don’t really care about us” by Michael Jackson? Can our leaders honestly look back and say they fought a good fight? We are at the verge of losing our prestigious cultural and traditional values due to the “EUROAMERICANIZATION” of our way of life. Now RIGHTS have super imposed MORALS. Can those who supposedly are RIGHTS ACTIVIST mention one RIGHTS oriented society or country that does not have low moral standards? Yet we copy blindly.

Visionaires Foundation believes that, we all as a people have a charge to keep. By taking a stand for the WHOLE liberation of mother Africa. It’s never too late, with Pan-African consciousness. We are ever ready to play our part, are u? We are calling on all groups in and out of Africa for the MATTERS OF AFRICA (REVOLUTION FOR CHANGE IN ATTITUDE, ACTIONS, FOCUS, BELIEVE AND DESTINY ). U.S.A /U.N.A IS POSSIBLE AND A MUST.

Long live GHANA!!
Long live MOTHER AFRICA!!!

Thank you



  +233 243 085 932

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