Monday 9 May 2011


May 26, 2010

In the relay-baton exchange, each of the four team members has an area he is good at. It’s either the two curves or the straight paths. Every athlete will tell you curving is challenging but, all is rested upon the last person who will bear the cup “finish hard”

If we access what Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Martin Luther King Jr, George Padmore, W.E.B Dubois, Jomo Kenyetta, Patrice Lumumba, Kwame Nkrumah, contributed to the liberation of Africans, words cannot describe. Why should we take over? Are we prepared as a generation? The above mentioned names had something we this generation don’t have, zeal, passionate hunger, strong sense of believe and faith in the African. They took time to abreast themselves with the ancient history of the African, mastered it and chose the path of liberation and empowerment. They actually went through thick and thin but with the vision and uncompromising mission they moved on. We have become “AMEREUROPEANIZED” than being Africans. That is one aspect of the Berlin system of education.

Everything, Nkrumah stood for then has become even relevant and important in our era than theirs, if I may ask, all of a sudden even China and the rest of Asia have turn their purpose towards Africa, they say “where two elephants fight the forest suffers”.
EU, U.S.A and now Asia are here, what do they want? Have we identified what interest them to be here? What is saddening is to have your physical sight (eyes) yet without a vision, strong-will and foresight. These three things is what our current leaders lack, but I am not surprise because they totally believed and pursued the Berlin system of education, now they are suffering from Intellectual and Affluent witchcraftcy(IAW) which is glorify anything western and demonize everything African or of African origin. It’s just sad that, a land blessed with all the natural resources a continent needs to advance, has her leaders carrying cups begging for junk. When you try to look at the source of the problem, you are told stop playing the blame game. Is it blaming or fear of the problem?

Its either you are with us all against us. Now how much of toxic emission comes out of Africa, but we are the worst affected of global warming. HIV/AIDS, H1N1, Hepatitis, just to mentions a few were not first discovered in mother Africa, but we become the worst hit. We produce the best of cocoa, but artificial toxic cocoa products are sent back to us. Check the qualities of vehicles for African markets compared with European/U.S. markets; are they of the same quality? hmmmm. When we talk of any countries riches and reserves, its about gold, diamonds and oil, which Africa produces 90%, yet we are the poorest. How can these make sense, they come here for partnership where we only enjoy 10%, 5% of what is gained as profit. OOOOw, we have our land and mineral resource yet our benefits are nothing good to write home about. The same continent they tagged inferior is where they get superior from. Niger produces uranium in quantities which France use in powering their electricity and even supply their neighbouring countries, yet Niger wallow in abject poverty

So all the mentioned situation does not bother you! hmmmmmm its time to tackle the bull by the horns, lets redeemed Mother African from the hands of this illuminati/new world order, blood and consciences thirsty people. Nkrumah said, “the African is capable of managing his own affairs” are the current leaders able, and should we the youth of today sit down till the already muddy waters gets muddier? No, we need rejuvenated Nkrumah’s, Kaunda’s, Kenyatta, Wade’s, Dubois’s, Imotep’s, Yaa Asantewa’s, Candace’s, Nzingah’s, Sheeba( Makeda) just to mention a few. As a christian, i will be accountable for Africa on the dee-day.
From the CIA report over Nkrumah’s overthrow and from the account of the former CIA agent John Stockwell, USA, Germany, France, Britain even Israel had a hand in Osagyefo’s overthrow, cross check this countries involvement in the masterminding of remote controlling/destroying Africa during the round table meeting in Berlin (Berlin Conference1884-85 / Scramble for Africa) What was their fear about Nkrumah’s vision and passion for Africa? Then there is something missing in the equation which we must find.

The answer is, if Africa is to stay united, economically, politically, socially, spiritually, culturally and ideologically, the world will rather come begging for what they need and we have been given out on a golden platter. We would become the world super power, this is their prime fear. Africans don’t want to overlord any human, because we are human centered. After all it has now been proofing scientifically and archeologically that life and civilization began in Africa.

The youth of today, let’s take the baton and complete the race in all fierceness, passion, one common purpose, as we climax the celebration of the centenary birth of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. This is the right time for revitalization, re-engagement, rejuvenating and forward moving.
Scofray Nana Yaw Yeboah
Director Visionaires Foundation

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