Friday 1 July 2011


It has been the greatest challenge for the People of African decent both home and away to understand who they are as a people with the knowledge of where they are from and who really they are. But there worse of the scenario is with those who are still dwelling in the land of their birth without the knowledge of who they are. When you have no understanding of who you are, anybody at all will define you to his/her thoughts. This misleading identification of the African started when many had no appropriate knowledge of who they really are and lies of theories were propounded.
Until recently, many still believed that, Africans are savages, ape like humans and monkeys but as events unfold, there has been re-visitation to history to uncover the hidden truth. One may ask, if there was a deliberate attempt to hide the true identity of the African? It is a big emphatic YES.
Lets now look at some events that characterize the true ID of Africans and I want you to first of all de-cloud the ills you know about this people called AFRIKANS.
Am going to combine biblical, Scientific and archeological finding to unearth the truth about the people I proudly belong to.
Biblical findings and science has proven that, life begun amazingly in the land of the Afrikans and social science and philosophy also agrees to the fact that, civilization and socialization begun in Africa. Except for the Greeks, all other known center of civilization has been the dwelling place of people of black origin or men of color as others may call them.
The earliest civilizations that arose in the world developed in the late fourth and the third millennia BC in parts of Asia and North Africa. The three large alluvial systems of the Tigris-Euphrates, the Nile, Mayan and the Indus supported these great ancient civilizations. The greatest of all civilizations are that of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Mayan and Indus.
The results of mitochondria DNA using evolution as the source of understanding is outstanding. Consider the results below (source Wikipedia).
Early Homo sapiens
Anatomically modern humans originated in Africa about 250,000 years ago. The trend in cranial expansion and the acheulean elaboration of stone tool technologies which occurred between 400,000 years ago and the second interglacial period in the Middle Pleistocene (around 250,000 years ago) provide evidence for a transition from H. erectus to H. sapiens.[citation needed] In the Recent African Origin (RAO) scenario, migration within and out of Africa eventually replaced the earlier dispersed H. erectus.
Homo sapiens idaltu, found at site Middle Awash in Ethiopia, lived about 160,000 years ago.[20] It is the oldest known anatomically modern human and classified as an extinct subspecies.[21] Fossils of early Homo sapiens were found in Qafzeh cave in Israel and have been dated to 80,000 to 100,000 years ago. However these humans seem to have either become extinct or retreated back to Africa 70,000 to 80,000 years ago, possibly replaced by south bound Neanderthals escaping the colder regions of ice age Europe.[citation needed] Hua Liu & al. analyzing autosomal microsatellite markers dates to c. 56,000±5,700 years ago mtDNA evidence. He interprets the paleontological fossil of early modern human from Qafzeh cave as an isolated early offshoot that retracted back to Africa.[3]
All other fossils of fully modern humans outside Africa have been dated to more recent times. The oldest well dated fossils found outside Africa are from Lake Mungo, Australia, and have been dated to about 42,000 years ago.[22][23] The Tianyuan cave remains in Liujiang region China have a probable date range between 38,000 and 42,000 years ago. They are most similar in morphology to Minatogawa Man, modern humans dated between 17,000 and 19,000 years ago and found on Okinawa Island, Japan.[24][25] However, others have dated Liujang Man to 111,000 to 139,000 years before the present.[26]
Beginning about 100,000 years ago evidence of more sophisticated technology and artwork begins to emerge and by 50,000 years ago fully modern behaviour becomes more prominent. Stone tools show regular patterns that are reproduced or duplicated with more precision while tools made of bone and antler appear for the first time.[27][28]

Genetic reconstruction
Further information: Archaeogenetics and Early human migrations
Two pieces of the human genome are quite useful in deciphering human history: mitochondrial DNA and the Y chromosome. These are the only two parts of the genome that are not shuffled about by the evolutionary mechanisms that generate diversity with each generation: instead, these elements are passed down intact. According to the hypothesis, all people alive today have inherited the same Mitochondria[29] from one woman who lived in Africa about 160,000 years ago[30][31] she has been named Mitochondrial Eve. All men today have inherited their Y chromosomes from a man who lived 60,000 years ago, probably in Africa. He has been named Y-chromosomal Adam. It is now believed that more men participated in the out of Africa exodus of early humans than women based on comparing non-sex-specific chromosomes with sex-specific ones.[32]

Mitochondrial DNA

Another model of human migration based on Mitochondrial DNA

Table Perspective
Evolutionary tree of Human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups






Map of early diversification of modern humans according to mitochondrial population genetics (see: Haplogroup L).
The first lineage to branch off from Mitochondrial Eve is L0. This haplogroup is found in high proportions among the San of Southern Africa, the Sandawe of East Africa. It is also found among the Mbuti people.[33][34]
These groups branched off early in human history and have remained relatively genetically isolated since then. Haplogroups L1, L2 and L3 are descendents of L1-6 and are largely confined to Africa. The macro haplogroups M and N, which are the lineages of the rest of the world outside Africa, descend from L3.
Y-chromosomal DNA
The mutations defining macro-haplogroup CT (all Y haplogroups except A and B) predate the "Out of Africa" migration, its descendent macro-group DE being confined to Africa. The mutations that distinguish Haplogroup C from all other descendants of CR have occurred some 60,000 years ago, shortly after the first Out of Africa migration.
Haplogroup F originated some 45,000 years ago, either in North Africa (in which case it would point to a second wave of out-of-Africa migration) or in South Asia. More than 90% of males not native to Africa are descended in direct male line from the first bearer of haplogroup F.

Genomic analysis
Although mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosomal DNA are particularly useful in deciphering human history, data on the genomes of dozens of population groups have also been studied. In June 2009, an analysis of genome-wide SNP data from the International HapMap Project (Phase II) and CEPH Human Genome Diversity Panel samples was published.[35] Those samples were taken from 1138 unrelated individuals.[35] Before this analysis, population geneticists expected to find dramatic differences among ethnic groups, with derived alleles shared among such groups but uncommon or nonexistent in other groups.[36] Instead the study of 53 populations taken from the HapMap and CEPH data revealed that the population groups studied fell into just three genetic groups: Africans, Eurasians (which includes natives of Europe and the Middle East, and Southwest Asians east to present-day Pakistan), and East Asians, which includes natives of Asia, Japan, Southeast Asia, the Americas, and Oceania.[36] The study determined that most ethnic group differences can be attributed to genetic drift, with modern African populations having greater genetic diversity than the other two genetic groups, and modern Eurasians somewhat more than modern East Asians.[36] The study suggested that natural selection may shape the human genome much more slowly than previously thought, with factors such as migration within and among continents more heavily influencing the distribution of genetic variations.[37]

It is from the above finding that gave me greater interest to veto the Bible and consider what similarities to augment my thoughts and findings.  To my amazements some findings strikes a cord about the presents of the African in the making of human history using the bible as a reference.
According to the book of Genesis, God (YHWH) made man in His image and likeness and blessed them to subdue the earth and multiply. Note, I use God and my reference is to Yehowa (YHWH)
Gen. 1:26 – God said lets create man in our own image and likeness: and let them have dominion(control, power, energy, overcome) over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. Gen. 2:10-14 – And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.
11: The name of the first is PISON; that is it which compasseth the whole land of HAVILAH(YEMEN), where there is gold;    Gen .24:18(The children of Ishmael dwelt from Havilah as far as Shur which is the east of Egypt) 12: And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.
13: And the name of the second river is Gihon; the same is it that compasseth the whole land of CUSH (ETHIOPIA)
14: And the name of the third river is HIDDEKEL(TIGRIS): that is it which goeth toward the east of ASSYRIA( IRAG ,BABEL,BABYLON, MESOPOTEMIA, UR,CHALDEANS, SUMER). And the fourth river is Euphrates.

When the greatest civilizations were mentioned as Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Indus and Mayan, many of my Christian folks will be wondering. Now to our surprise, Egypt (Mizraim)/Cush/Kush (Ethiopia) and Mesopotamia are mentioned as the bothers of our revered Garden of Eden. I also agree that there are other Kushites/Cushites that can be found in the Middle East as the Holy Koran may attest too. This give the vivid prove that life begun in Africa even if you don’t agree to above by geographical location, any where you will place it still points to the dwelling place of the black. Check how many times God referred to Africa (Egypt and Cush) the land of Ham. Many too don’t know that, the now called Middle East really was a name generated to separate people and siphon their wealth especially using religious lines.  Islam, Judaism and Christianity have it roots in one common source; as we use the story of Abraham.
THE RED DREADFULL LIE: that Noah cursed the black man
Gen.9: 25 – And he (Noah) said, Curse be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.   Note. It wasn’t HAM that was cursed. And as matter of fact, it’s only Canaan that lost his land and does not still carry his name.

According other source of research, Shem (like shame in pronunciation) means dusk, Ham also means burnt or black and Yaphet hairy (or fair). Then quickly my mind runs to the little art of colors pigmentation and derivation I learnt in school. That when you put all colors together you will get black. The question is how what will be the identity of Noah to have given birth to these 3 shades color of children that inherited the whole earth according to bible account. Does this have something in common with the mtDNA/ROAH (Recent Out of Africa Hypothesis)?
Gen. 10: 6-20 Genealogy of Ham(source Tim Osterholm)
Ham.  Also Cham or Kham.  Literal meanings are passionate, hot, burnt or dark (father of the Australoid, Negroid and Mongoloid people groups - Hamites).  He was the progenitor of:
(1) Cush "black" (sons were Seba, Havilah, Sabta, Raama and Satecha) - also Chus, Kush, Kosh, Cushaean (Cushites, Nubians, Ethiopians, Ghanaians, Africans, Bushmen, Pygmies, Australian Aborignies, New Guineans, other related groups);
(2) Mizraim "double straits" (sons were Lud, Anom, Pathros, Chasloth and Chaphtor) - also Masr, Misr, Misraim, Mitzraim, Mizraite, Mitsrayim (Egyptians1, Khemets, Copts, other related groups);
(3) Phut "a bow" (sons were Gebul, Hadan, Benah and Adan) - also Punt, Puta, Put, Puni, Phoud, Pul, Fula, Putaya, Putiya, Libia, Libya (Libyans, Cyrenacians, Tunisians, Berbers, Somalians, Sudanese, North Africans, other related groups);
(4) Canaan "down low" (sons were Zidon2, Heth, Amori, Gergashi, Hivi, Arkee, Seni, Arodi, Zimodi and Chamothi) - also Canaanites, Cana, Chna, Chanani, Chanana, Canaana, Kana, Kenaanah, Kena'ani, Kena'an, Kn'nw, Kyn'nw, Kinnahu, Kinahhi, Kinahni, Kinahna, Kinahne (Mongols, Asians, Orientals, Chinese, Tibetans, Taiwanese, Thais, Vietnamese, Laotians, Cambodians, Japanese, Eskimos, American Indians3, Malayasians, Indonesians, Filipinos, Hawaiians, Maoris, Polynesians, Tahitians, Guamanians, Samoans, Fijians, Tongans, Tokelauans, Tuvaluans, Pacific Islanders4 and related groups5).
Tribes in other parts of Africa, Arabia and Asia, aboriginal groups in Australia, native Pacific Islanders, American Indians and Eskimos were birthed from descendants of Canaan, Cush, Mizraim and Phut.
Gen. 10:9-12 – Nimrod the first warrior (hunter) recognized by God and he founded nations-Babel (Babylon). Gen. 25: 12- 18. -The descendants of Ishmael. E.g. Tema. Check verses 18-
What is amazing too is how a group of people called the Lemba living in Southern Africa claim Hebrewhood or Jewishship. Hmmmm thanks to once again DNA test by NOVA.
 This Bantu-speaking group claimed Jewish ancestry and observed many Semitic traditions such as kosher-like dietary restrictions and slaughter practices

The team collected DNA samples from Bantu (African), Yemeni (Arab), and Sephardic Jews and Azhkenazi Jews (including Cohanim from both communities) to compare the amount of similarity that existed between each of these groups. As we’ve seen, the more similar the Y chromosome, the more closely related are some individuals in the different groups to a common paternal ancestor. As a consequence, one can establish links between populations.
What this study shows is that the Lemba, and more specifically some members of the Buba sub-clan, seem to have an ancestral connection to Judaic populations. Like an oral history, but written in the letters of their DNA, the Lemba Y chromosome hands from father to son a living record of the past.(source Kathmanduk2). I will later in other editions do proper analysis of the African in the bible.

Haven compared biblical history and other scientific thoughts on the dwelling and genesis of the African; I want to move further but this time looking at another area of study. Let’s use archeology and history to open the beauty of mother Africa. But our focus will be on Ancient Egypt.

Source Freeman Institute

 Compiled by
Scofray Nana Yaw Yeboah
Director Visionaires Foundation

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