Sunday 6 November 2011


I just finish watching Talking Point whiles others were watching miss world.

Matters of the youth are my heartbeat and when I talk about it, it stems directly from my heart. The Deputy National Coordinator of the National Youth Authority was asked to give some statistics on projects or beneficiaries of programs on the youth front from the NYA. And amazingly he couldn't mention a single one.

I am finally vindicated because anytime I am on Obonu FM 96.5(generational hour) TV Africa (New generation) and GTV breakfast show,I ask that same simple question and nobody give any answer.

Even if we invite reps from NYA to join us they have one excuse or will not respond at all.

I am throwing a challenge to the leadership of NYA to publish a least 5 names, either organizations or individuals who have benefited from the NYA initiatives under the various models enshrined in the National Youth Policy since its launched in Cape Coast.

The policy was launched by his Excellency John Dramani Mahama last year during the world youth day in August. I want to ask his Excellency, what kind of feedback has been given to you so far, because from about 35 youth oriented organizations who took part in pushing for the policy launch and took part during the National Youth Policy launch point of view, I am sorry but it is a charade or camouflage.

The youth of this nation should not be taken for granted. Full implementation of the policy in its current states now can create a tremendous change in our lives.

Arise Ghana youth for your country................................. Leaders of our land we demand your devotion, lets us all unite to build Ghana and make her great and strong. we are all involve............. this is my version.
Scofray Nana Yaw Yeboah
Director: Visionaires Foundation or

Wednesday 2 November 2011


I want to salute all the brave, courageous, patriotic and self sacrificing youth leaders of the National Youth Stakeholder’s Forum who pioneered the celebration of African Youth Day in Ghana 2010
Tomorrow is year marked as African Youth Day by Africa Union and must be observed by all member states. In spirit of Patriotism and volunteerism, the then National Youth Stakeholder’s Forum lobbied the then National Youth Council (now National Youth Authority) with the support of Mr. Prince Derek Adjei for the celebration of 1st ever African Youth Day in Ghana.

But we were absolute mislead and misinformed about realities on the ground through the preparation period. But with determination we finally prevailed though not according to our detailed plan. Young leaders who were set to travel Friday morning 10am left Accra 4pm and luck was not on our side. We met a proper go slow traffic right from Accra through to Suhum and finally arrived in Kumasi Marigold hotel  5am Saturday.
Like blink of wind, the power of intimidation, autocracy, undemocratic and dictatorial spirit of Mr. Prince Derek Adjei arose. Experience him shout, insult and publicly show power to these young youthful leaders. Under the spirit of patriotism and volunteerism the members of NYSF kept their cool.

Saturday 30th October we were bused to KNUST campus to join other youth group on campus for a walk to the NYA center Kumasi. Amazingly, these campus groups did not know what they were marching/walking for. But Mr. Adjei back in Accra told us that he had spoken to the SRC president.

The drama continued even at the NYA center Kumasi, after the NSYF in collaboration with the NYA kumasi solved many challenges. Our greatest shock came when it was time to go back to our hotel Marigold. Mr. Adjei came to our bus and said if by 10minutes we should take the lead, but after about 20minutes when everyone one was on board our bus moved as he instructed. After about 15minutes drive Mr.  Adjei called the bus driver to revert back to the center grounds; he was to be told we are moving before and we reminded him that we moved according to his advice earlier on. He said “ I am in charge and he alone make decisions.
That was not enough, Sunday, was due for church service but due to Mr. Adjei’s conduct against our well planned program, we decided to hold church service in the morning and go  for ecotourism at lake bosomtwe. Again due to impediment caused by Mr. Adjei our background manner delayed be that could not delay church service so we went on as planned. Mr. Adjei refuses to attend and we conducted the church service without him. IYF(international Youth fellowship) pastor lead the church service with other personalities from Kumasi NYA and Accra Head office. After service was over we all went into our rooms and later to be called back to rehold the church service cause this time the backdrop manner is in.
In the mist of all these the communication/media team were in consultation with the Ashanti Region coordinator to get some air time to talk about our purpose since again Mr. Adjei failed to approved the proposed Media plan for the celebration.
Around 12noon Mr. Adjei now wants to dispatch a member of the media team to now come back to Accra and distribute copies of the National youth policy to media houses in Accra. Scofray the said team member of the media with insight to media work because he works with a media house advised that, it was not possible to get the media houses review their news papers as well as the National youth policy and the celebration since they were not informed. Also that day Kotoko and Hearts are playing and transportation will be difficult and arrival will eat late into the night so, most media houses in Accra have branches in Kumasi and they are the people we intend to work with to forestall  any problems encounter so far. Mr. Adjei as autocratic as he is did not take the words of Scofray and still insisted he should move to Accra. Scofray then said that knowing all the factors at play will not aid to achieve the said task to come to Accra he will not undertake such an errand. Amazingly Mr. Adjei summoned Scofray before the Chairman of NYSF and other senior staff of NYA and asked that he should pack his belongings and leave the hotel. Already NSYF member have had his conduct to their throat and revolted that if Scofray leaves then they too because they are witness to the vital roles Scofray has played and still playing in a environment Mr. Adjei plays “mr Know it all”
To the amazement of the NYA staff of Accra, we were prepared to go to the press about the oppressor rule we were being put through. But respect was shown to the board of NYA and the Acting National Coordinator then Mr. Archibald Donkor.
Mr. Adjei went ahead and developed a program line up against that which the team of celebration made. So on Monday 1st November to climax the program Scofray the MC for the celebration did not know which event details to use but he consulted with his team fine tuned the two into one.
The climax was finally pull through without the attendance of the purported dignitaries as Mr. Adjei made us to believe have given their word to be there. But background checks gave us a new info, so we were not very surprised as the dignitaries on the program did not turn up.

NYSF was quickly disbanded by Mr. Adjei in aid of the formation Ghana Youth Parliament which selected members of NSYF who did not go to Kumasi were being called to take part. But they all boycotted it in solidarity with what their colleagues went through before, during and after the celebration. If vivid account was to be given, it will be one of the biggest books to be published. So did Mr. Prince Derek Adjei account for all the monies ghc 3000 granted for the celebration? Our team accounted what was given them.  We are ever ready to be an instrument of change not by autocracy.
The Ghana Youth Parliament that NSYF was dissolved for is being launched on such a memorable day. Does is comprise all the faces of youth groups or just for elites.