Wednesday 28 November 2012

my audios.......

Tuesday 20 November 2012

just for laugh pt 1 yenko nkoa 1.avi

Friday 13 July 2012



  1.  Run in life according to your legs and will get to your destination not that of  anyone.
  2. True religion is not PRAYER and WORSHIP to our creator but SERVICE to time of need put a smile on another needy face
  3. The greatest change that can occur is REFUSING and REFUTING to failure when it knocks on your door. your are the best.... live it.
  4. As you look back in your journey of life, what trail are you leaving behind? You are part of a chain for change, don't break it.
  5. A great morning a symbol of hope, never stop dreaming because you will not be charged. Lift up your head and walk the talk
  6. Never back down, you are only allowed a puase, if you quit the burden get bigger for the others connect to the same mission
  7. Passion is an intrinsic tool for transformation if not used for its purpose it will consume you for other deeds"evil"
  8. The stand we take mostly are not about us, but the path seekers, you are not here because of you alone, many are after you
  9. Our kids are gift from mother nature, we are only teachers to make their innate gifts shine. do we ourselves understand this?
  10. The day you allow you light to fade, then you have stop living.
  11. Life is like a big classroom, lessons learnt differs from one to the other.
  12. Anger, pain, rage hurt and disappointments are nothing but toxic which measure your tenacity of TOLERANCE and ability to let go.
  13. Disappointments are part of the journey about human nature........ never lose the lesson and never carry the pain.
  14. Evening is symbol of pause in life cycle and a time to rest and reflect. tomorrow is a new day live it as such.
  15. True love is the exhibition of the good intrinsic values and energy we put to bare inspite of the odds
  16. Are you rendering service for the profit of it or because of the blessing you are to serve humankind? if for profit you will not have enough
  17. You can only stand in the mist of betrayal before you conduct it
  18. Life is not static,as nite gets darker,its when morning begins.never backdown becos morning knows it will come up though darknes precede it.
  19. Just as we are all unique, so is our shadows, so don't follow and walk in any ones but yours.........
  20. FAILURE is the greatest springboard, bounce as high as you can.
  21. As it is difficult to turn your neck around, so it is trying to look at your flaws. your best lies ahead, stay focused........
  22. One of the most less expensive and less difficult gifts but most valuable to change situation is an honest SMILE. Give it out
  23. My religion is service to temple is my community...and heaven is to make one smile
  24. There is a reason for why you have two eye,ear,hands and legs. so you are not an accident live your dreams
  25. Life is a network, you are in charge of your port.there is no exact replacement of you. accomplish you purpose
  26. To understand the world, you must first discover the YOU, you are made of.
  27. Our lack of thorough understanding of the Universe is the reason we say. LIFE IS NOT FAIR. we must learn to accept life in the easy terms.
  28. Life is perfect and still revealing, you must act same, the energy you possess is synonymous with nature.
  29. LIFE, WISDOM,KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING is the most valuable assets, you have them all, you only need to believe and practice.
  30. LIFE= living In Full Experience. live it.
  31. WISDOM is the right application of knowledge acquired and gathered for the betterment of mankind.
  32. KNOWLEDGE is the gathering of UNDERSTANDING, UNDERSTANDING is the sieving of theories, reasons, logic, conclusion and ideas. for humankind
  33. The tortise run, the snail run, the ants run and the cheetah do run too, but all according to their strength and kind.
  34. Never let both your enemies and loved-ones down when you arrive. they all invested in you.
  35. When they are silently praying you succeed, you are quickly giving up.
  36. On the journey to the top, you will come across the cost.
  37. Never fail to take a stand, when your legs can.
  38. From whom are you taking the baton, in which lane/track are you in and who will you give the baton...........legacies......
  39. Life is an equal gift, living it is unequal according to our strengths but all are intertwine to make life worth living.Don't drop you part
  40. If you don't understand my calling, don't say it’s impossible.. when you are not seeing what I am seeing don't say I am visionless
  41. If you think you have no value, consider the scavengers....
  42. Living you dreams is equal to Nelson Mandela............
  43. When there is no hard-work and hardship, there will be no worship.
  44. Never look at a man as a yard stick, but rather yourself....see how far your strength can carry you
  45. If you don't survive the TEST, then you don't deserve to be the BEST or with the BEST....
  46. Check your self first if you always find fault with everything
  47. Though all may seem odd, make a conscious choice to look out for even......What you fix your   mind on, is what you will attract.
  48. He who can appreciate first, is best are profitable criticism
  49. If you fail to appreciate the pace of the tortoise or snail, it is not its fault but yours
  50. some people are dream killers, dream abusers, dream supporters and dreams bearers.....Avoid the dream killers, abusers and align with dream supporters, travel and entrust to dream bearers
  51. Dreams does not happen, when your body is at rest, but rather when the heart and mind correlate to achieve a result, which seem risking at first sight or thought.
  52. until you decide to face the smoke screen called fear, it will eat the best of you...face it
  53. Speak well and highly of something you so much desire and wish for passionately and truthfully 
  54. REALITY CHECK is the ability to put logic and reasoning together to achieve a said result minus emotions and sentiments with help of nature 
  55. when we cross path, ask yourself and God, what is the purpose
  56. When you make creating space for transformation your focus and motivation, you will always share tears of joy
  57.     The greatest achievement in life is to be part of an evolving life.

  58. No matter where you are from or who you are.You possess some uniqueness no one else have.Search for it, like you will dig for diamond 
  59. Limitations are INTENTIONAL AND UNINTENTIONAL creations of our mind and environment. you can break yours.
  60. How will you define life? life appears the way you define it.
  61. some people are passionate and they pursue it...Some too are spirit-gifted and passionate and the fish out the best in everyone and some also just imitate by virtue of being intelligent.....what are you?
  62. Dreams does not happen, when your body is at rest, but rather when the heart and mind correlate to achieve a result.
  63. Some people are dream killers, dream abusers, dream supporters and dreams bearers.....Avoid the dream killers, abusers and align with dream supporters, travel and entrust to dream bearers.
  64. The path to success is and never will be smooth but your endurance will take you. never lose sight of the prize.
  65. Quietness does not mean in-activeness or passiveness, but a pause in life to correlate with happenings.
  66.  If you fail to define your definition of who you are, any meaning will be given to your definition of your personality and identity.
  67. If you fail to lead yourself, you have missed the right and opportunity to lead others
  68. Your kind of leader is determined by what motivates you.
  69.  Leadership is like a captain of a ship....he gathers a team for departure, understand the journey and its turbulence..yet will sail to destination.
  70. Leadership is not about how many followers you have and the ovation that greets you but the stand you take for others in times of personal crises.
  71. Leadership is not authority and influence but service, impact and sacrifice.
  72. Some people are passionate and they pursue it.Some too are spirit-gifted and passionate, and they fish out the best in everyone.
  73. If REWARD is your motivation at that you will be disappointed many times.


More to come..............................Stay tuned...................

Tuesday 19 June 2012


AFRICA the blessed Ham.
Ham Yahweh called me
Mizraim-Egypt, Cush-Ethiopia, Phut-Libya,Somalia, Canaan-Israel.
In my cursed Canaan, is the blessed Israel
Africa oooo Mother Africa

The only dwelling place mentioned in the early part of the bible
The beautiful boarders of Eden
Cush present day Ethiopia,
Havilah present Yemen,
Assyria present day Mesopotamia, Iraq and co
Indeed the beauty of Eden was boarded by my dwelling place.
Was it not my child Nimrod who found Assyria?
Was it not I Mizraim now Egypt, who housed, fed and schooled Israel?
I am ancient and incomparable.
When Abraham needed a child, I gave him Ishmael
I gave Yosef my princess Asenath
And blessed them with Manasseh and Ephraim
Moses I gave Zipporah.

Solomon could not withstand the beauty of Sheba.
I am the exhibition of Gods beauty and diversity
Land of Ham Yahweh called me.
Simeon the Niger, my son carried the sins of the world
We spread the gospel like never before.
I am outstanding in the mission of God.
Yes, I am the land of Ham, Africa the cradle of life and civilization

Tuesday 28 February 2012

reply to Reverend Enoch Emmanuel Agboso:Nkrumah’s overthrow was God sent- Ghana Evangelical Society

I am not very much surprise at this Pastor Agboso submission. But i want to state emphatically that he has insulted the intelligence of God and must be prepared to face it consequence. He claim teaching of Pan Africanism is idolatry and Nkrumah was overthrown because of the ideas and ideals of Pan Africanism.

Then i suggest he too belongs to the ILLUMINATI BLOOD SUCKING VAMPIRES like the CIA of USA who schemed and masterminded his overthrow. Even  them God is not angry?

hmmmmmmm " for the lack of knowledge my people perish" Does the bible/God hate teachings that is designed to empower the African? Was any member or ancestor of his, stolen or sold into slavery or died on the way? Does he have any member or ancestor belonging to the 200 million African that died on the seas during the slave trade?

 Then very soon God will kill many many many of us for using his word(bible) to empower the African. Does Pastor Agboso know the history of the bible which he uses to profess his believe and faith can never be complete with out the contributions of Africans? Ah which bible or word of God does some men of God read.


Rev Agboso, how come that, no one and i mean no one has come quarter of the achievement of Nkrumah. Combine all the efforts of all hardworking presidents and see if they equally Nkrumah. Am saying this again, AM ASHAMED TO BELONG TO A FAMILY CALLED THE BODY OF CHRIST( CHRISTIANS) but never ASHAMED OF MY SALVATION.

Rev Agboso, can it be the other way round that, we overthrew the chosen one by turning the hand of God and experiencing it consequence at the tortoise pace of development? Does it make sense that we have all resource yet can't develop? hmmmmmm God many are using your name to perpetuate falsehood.

 Eeeem before i end, Rev Agboso, what has been your concern over the current political situation engulfed with insult and besieging of radio stations?

Scofray Nana Yaw Yeboah
Visionaires Foundation